Just as we wouldn't skip routine maintenance on a car, we shouldn't neglect regular check-ups for our dental implants. It's generally recommended that we get our implants checked every six months to make sure they're in good condition and to catch … [Read more...]
What Are The Types Of Dental Treatments?
If you're ever feeling uncertain about your dental treatment, don't worry - this blog is here to help. In this article, we'll outline the different types of dental treatments that dentists offer their patients and explain what each one is designed to … [Read more...]
The Most Common Mistakes People Make When Brushing Their Teeth
At North Austin Dentistry, we know that you want to take care of your teeth, and we are here to help you do exactly that. Unfortunately, there are a lot of mistakes people make when brushing their teeth. While you need to make sure that you brush … [Read more...]
How To Choose the Right Dentist for Your Needs
It is important for you to do everything you can to take care of your teeth. This means brushing your teeth twice per day, flossing at least once per day, and going to the dentist at least twice per year for regular cleanings. Of course, there are … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry
For many people, a simple trip to the dentist leaves them filled with dread and anxiety. In fact, fear of having dental work done is more common than you may think. Fortunately for these people, modern dental technology offers a solution: sedation … [Read more...]
Who Are Good Candidates for Gum Contouring?
Gum contouring is not a new procedure. In fact, dentists and oral surgeons have been performing this procedure on patients for several decades. But the procedure now used in gum contouring is new, and it’s all due to laser technology! Thanks to the … [Read more...]
Keeping Kids’ Teeth Healthy Over Halloween
Most kids love Halloween and for good reason. After all, what other holiday brings with it fun costumes and more candy than any one kid could possibly eat? But for parents concerned about the oral health of their children, Halloween can seem like a … [Read more...]
How to Get Whiter Teeth by the Holidays
For most people, the holiday season is a busy one filled with celebrations and gatherings with family and friends. If you’d like to look your best for these get-togethers, nothing will improve your appearance more than whiter teeth! Fortunately, if … [Read more...]
When Is Invisalign® the Right Choice?
When it comes to getting your teeth straightened, modern dental and orthodontic technology offers several different choices – so many, in fact, that it can be challenging to choose the best one for you. One increasingly common method involves clear … [Read more...]
TMJ Disorder Possible Causes
Possible Causes for TMJ Disorder If you have pain in the jaw, find it difficult to get a good night’s rest, and/or experience frequent headaches, you could be experiencing TMJ disorder. “TMJ” stands for the temporomandibular joint, which is the … [Read more...]