TMJ Disorder Treatment in Austin

TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorder, affects countless people throughout the US and around the world. This condition can be exceedingly painful, and can wreak havoc with the quality of your sleep. Lack of sleep due to TMJ disorder can negatively impact your overall health and diminish the quality of your life. Austin TMJ dentist Dr. Logan Miller understands how urgent it is to resolve this issue for his Austin, TX, area patients, which is why he offers TMJ disorder treatment as one of the many services he provides at North Austin Dentistry.

TMJ Disorder Symptoms

TMJ disorder affects the nerves that surround the temporomandibular joint, which is located where the jaw opens and closes. Symptoms of TMJ disorder may include some or all of the following:

  • Pain in the jaw
  • Soreness in front of the ear
  • Pain in the neck
  • Earaches that spread across the face
  • Headaches on the side of the head
  • Noises when the jaw opens, such as popping or grinding sounds
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Teeth grinding at night
  • Locking and/or limited range of motion of your jaw

Why TMJ Disorder Treatment is So Important

Like so many other conditions, if you leave TMJ disorder untreated, the problem will only get worse with time. TMJ disorder can make it hard to chew certain foods, can make it difficult to open your jaw too wide, and can limit the range of motion of your jaw. But those problems only scratch the surface. If you suffer from TMJ disorder, you may be experiencing a tremendous amount of difficulty getting a good night’s sleep. As we all know, sleep plays a vital role in our overall health and quality of life. If you don’t sleep soundly, you will find it difficult to concentrate during the day, you could experience bad moods or mood swings, you might find yourself constantly fatigued throughout the day, and worse still – you could find yourself falling asleep at inappropriate or even dangerous times, such when you’re driving.

Now, here’s the good news. There are effective, non-surgical methods to treat TMJ disorder if the condition is caught in the early stages. Dr. Miller offers patients different appliances that help alleviate the symptoms, such as night guards and bite adjustments. Ask Dr. Miller about non-surgical treatment options.

Contact Our Office Today

If you or someone you love might be suffering from TMJ disorder, call our Austin, TX, office today.


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