It’s a fact of life: we all need to visit the dentist on a regular basis in order to maintain good oral health. In fact, healthy teeth and gums are important to our overall health as well, so regular oral exams and professional cleanings are something we should all have done at least twice a year. Most of us need some form of anesthesia when undergoing any type of dental procedure.

Typically, that consists of a few shots of novocaine inside the mouth to numb the area that will be worked on by the dentist. This local anesthesia, which is actually procaine hydrocholoride, is the most common type of local anesthesia used by dentists. The vast majority of people don’t experience any unusual side effects from the anesthesia used during routine dental procedures, but a few of us do. What follows is a list of the possible side effects of novocaine.

Fortunately, your dentist is there to witness this type of reaction should it occur, and to make sure you receive immediate medical treatment if that should happen.
Remember that the most common side effect of novocaine is the one we all WANT to experience: numbness in our mouths around the site where a dental procedure will be performed. But if you experience any other less common side effects, tell your dentist right away.